Anne I. Bertram
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After receiving her BA in American Studies, as well as a BA in British Studies, from the University of Leipzig, Anne opted to follow her passion for American (Cultural) Studies by continuing with the MA program at American Studies Leipzig. Her special interests are located in the realm of popular culture and (cult) film studies which she already developed throughout her BAs, most notably with a thesis in American Studies on Barry Sonnenfeld’s The Addams Family (1991). However, her heart here does not only beat for all things visual with a Gothic touch, such as the productions of Tim Burton, but also for the niche and the weird, mirrored in the works of filmmakers like John Waters. Thus, she hopes to develop these interests further over the course of her studies especially through the lens of affect theory with a focus on cringe and parody in relation to audience’s viewing experiences.
When she is not fully immersed in the realms of academia, Anne is a passionate guinea pig and balcony gardening enthusiast, as well as a dedicated Eurovision Song Contest enjoyer.